matrix_types.h File Reference
#include <variant>
#include "config.h"
#include "utils/type_helpers.h"

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 Main namespace in which all types, classes, and functions are defined.


template<class T >
using dismec::types::GenericVector = GenericMatrix< DenseVector< T >, SparseVector< T > >
using dismec::GenericOutMatrix = types::GenericMatrixRef< real_t >
using dismec::GenericInMatrix = types::GenericMatrixRef< const real_t >
using dismec::GenericOutVector = types::GenericVectorRef< real_t >
using dismec::GenericInVector = types::GenericVectorRef< const real_t >
using dismec::DenseRealVector = types::DenseVector< real_t >
 Any dense, real values vector. More...
using dismec::SparseRealVector = types::SparseVector< real_t >
using dismec::GenericRealVector = types::GenericVector< real_t >
using dismec::SparseFeatures = types::SparseRowMajor< real_t >
 Sparse Feature Matrix in Row Major format. More...
using dismec::DenseFeatures = types::DenseRowMajor< real_t >
 Dense Feature Matrix in Row Major format. More...
using dismec::GenericFeatureMatrix = types::GenericMatrix< DenseFeatures, SparseFeatures >
using dismec::BinaryLabelVector = types::DenseVector< std::int8_t >
 Dense vector for storing binary labels. More...
using dismec::PredictionMatrix = types::DenseRowMajor< real_t >
 Dense matrix in Row Major format used for predictions. More...
using dismec::IndexMatrix = types::DenseRowMajor< long >
 Matrix used for indices in sparse predictions. More...

Detailed Description

In this file we provide common typedefs for Eigen types to be used throughout the rest of the code.

Definition in file matrix_types.h.