numpy.h File Reference
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "matrix_types.h"

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struct  dismec::io::NpyHeaderData
 Contains the data of the header of a npy file with an array that has at most 2 dimensions. More...


 Main namespace in which all types, classes, and functions are defined.


bool dismec::io::is_npy (std::istream &target)
 Check whether the stream is a npy file. More...
void dismec::io::write_npy_header (std::streambuf &target, std::string_view description)
 Writes the header for a npy file. More...
std::string dismec::io::make_npy_description (std::string_view dtype_desc, bool column_major, std::size_t size)
 Creates a string with the data description dictionary for (1 dimensional) arrays. More...
std::string dismec::io::make_npy_description (std::string_view dtype_desc, bool column_major, std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols)
 Creates a string with the data description dictionary for matrices. More...
NpyHeaderData dismec::io::parse_npy_header (std::streambuf &source)
 Parses the header of the npy file given by source. More...
template<class S >
const char * dismec::io::data_type_string ()
template<class Derived >
std::string dismec::io::make_npy_description (const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &matrix)
 Generates the npy description string based on an Eigen matrix. More...
types::DenseRowMajor< real_tdismec::io::load_matrix_from_npy (std::istream &source)
 Loads a matrix from a numpy array. More...
types::DenseRowMajor< real_tdismec::io::load_matrix_from_npy (const std::string &path)
void dismec::io::save_matrix_to_npy (std::ostream &source, const types::DenseRowMajor< real_t > &)
 Saves a matrix to a numpy array. More...
void dismec::io::save_matrix_to_npy (const std::string &path, const types::DenseRowMajor< real_t > &)