15 namespace l2_reg_sq_hinge_detail {
16 template<
class Derived>
17 inline void htd_sum_naive(
const std::vector<int>& indices, Eigen::Ref<DenseRealVector> output,
20 for (
auto index: indices) {
21 float factor = 2.f * features.derived().row(index).dot(direction) * costs.coeff(index);
22 output += factor * features.derived().row(index);
26 template<
int LOOK_AHEAD = 2>
27 inline void htd_sum(
const std::vector<int>& indices, Eigen::Ref<DenseRealVector> output,
33 const auto *val_ptr = features.valuePtr();
34 const auto *inner_ptr = features.innerIndexPtr();
35 const auto *outer_ptr = features.outerIndexPtr();
37 long sm1 =
ssize(indices) - 1;
38 for (
long i = 0; i <
ssize(indices); ++i) {
39 int index = indices[i];
40 int next_index = indices[std::min(i + LOOK_AHEAD, sm1)];
41 int next_id = outer_ptr[next_index];
42 __builtin_prefetch(&val_ptr[next_id], 0, 1);
43 __builtin_prefetch(&inner_ptr[next_id], 0, 1);
47 float cost_val = costs.coeff(index);
49 factor += it.value() * direction.coeff(it.col());
51 factor *= 2.f * cost_val;
53 output.coeffRef(it.col()) += it.value() * factor;
59 htd_sum_new(
const std::vector<int>& indices, Eigen::Ref<DenseRealVector> output,
61 const auto *val_ptr = features.valuePtr();
62 const auto *inner_ptr = features.innerIndexPtr();
63 const auto *outer_ptr = features.outerIndexPtr();
64 long sm1 =
ssize(indices) - 1;
66 for (
long i = 0; i <
ssize(indices); ++i) {
67 int index = indices[i];
68 int next_index = indices[std::min(i + 2, sm1)];
69 int next_id = outer_ptr[next_index];
70 __builtin_prefetch(&val_ptr[next_id], 0, 1);
71 __builtin_prefetch(&inner_ptr[next_id], 0, 1);
73 float factor = 2.f *
fast_dot(features, index, direction) * costs.coeff(index);
75 output.coeffRef(it.col()) += it.value() * factor;
82 template<
typename Derived>
84 const Eigen::DenseBase<Derived>& xTw) {
86 assert(xTw.size() == labels.size());
87 long num_labels =
88 for (
long i = 0; i < num_labels; ++i) {
89 real_t label = labels.coeff(i);
90 real_t d = 1.0 - label * xTw.coeff(i);
92 real_t factor = cost.coeff(i);
This is an almost verbatim copy of the SparseFeatures::InnerIterator provided by Eigen.
real_t value_from_xTw(const DenseRealVector &cost, const BinaryLabelVector &labels, const Eigen::DenseBase< Derived > &xTw)
void htd_sum_naive(const std::vector< int > &indices, Eigen::Ref< DenseRealVector > output, const Eigen::EigenBase< Derived > &features, const DenseRealVector &costs, const DenseRealVector &direction)
void __attribute__((hot)) htd_sum_new(const std
void htd_sum(const std::vector< int > &indices, Eigen::Ref< DenseRealVector > output, const SparseFeatures &features, const DenseRealVector &costs, const DenseRealVector &direction)
Main namespace in which all types, classes, and functions are defined.
auto fast_dot(const Eigen::SparseMatrix< Scalar, Options, StorageIndex > &first, int row, const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &other) -> Scalar
constexpr auto ssize(const C &c) -> std::common_type_t< std::ptrdiff_t, std::make_signed_t< decltype(c.size())>>
signed size free function. Taken from https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/iterator/size
constexpr long to_long(T value)
Convert the given value to long, throwing an error if the conversion is not possible.
types::DenseVector< std::int8_t > BinaryLabelVector
Dense vector for storing binary labels.
types::DenseVector< real_t > DenseRealVector
Any dense, real values vector.
types::SparseRowMajor< real_t > SparseFeatures
Sparse Feature Matrix in Row Major format.
float real_t
The default type for floating point values.